Rich Text Editor
In order for the WYSIWYG editor to contain the table editor as follows:
You must edit the [Web Root Folder]\Sitefinity\Admin\ControlTemplates\EditorToolsFile.xml file and add the following tool:
<root> <tools dockable="false"> <tool name="InsertTable" /> </tools> </root>
Page Navigation
For certain properties you only want to navigate to pages within your own sitefinity application, the following property with its attribute definition is the most appropriate for this requirement:
[WebEditor("Telerik.Cms.Web.UI.CmsUrlWebEditor, Telerik.Cms")] public string StartingNodeUrl { get; set; }

File System Navigation
Some properties may require selecting a file or folder within within your sitefinity application. The following attribute definition is the most appropriate for this requirement:
[WebEditor("Telerik.FileManager.UrlWebEditor, Telerik.FileManager")] public string EndNodeUrl { get; set; }

General URL Navigation
The System.Web General attribute description for a Url type Property is demonstrated below. Sitefinity would detect this and realise that it is a Url type Property, and would therefore allow the selection of a page or file within the sitefinity application:[Editor(typeof(UITypeEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor)), UrlProperty] public string RedirectUrl { get; set; }

Image URL
Some images in sitefinity are stored in libraries and so the standard sitefinity dialog for selecting from either library or file system needs to be used as follows:
[Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.ImageUrlEditor, System.Design", typeof(UITypeEditor)), UrlProperty] public string ImageUrl { get; set; }

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